Join us on July 3rd & 4th when we will take part in the Bury St Edmunds Relay for Life to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Our team is called the Cake Club Zappers and last year we raised more than £900 and the whole event raised more than £31,000 for CRUK. This year we started early with a market stall at the Christmas Market. We have also had World Cancer wrist bands on sale at local Coop stores and the Station cafe which has raised our total so far to £231.
The main event is a 24 hour relay during the weekend of July 3rd & 4th when we take turns to walk around a short circuit (5 minute laps) in Nowton Park from 12 noon Saturday until 12 noon on Sunday - because cancer never sleeps. There is also a Survivor lunch where we are made to feel like guests of honour after the opening Survivor lap. Last year two of our survivors were in their 80s! The event is really a summer fete with family stalls, a music tent, bacon rolls on Sunday morning and a beautiful ceremony of candles at dusk on the Saturday. If you would like to join us for any length of time during the event or in fund raising before the day, do please get in touch. You can also look at our team page and make a donation to CRUK at http://relay.cancerresearchuk.org/site/TR/RelayForLife/General?team_id=11591&pg=team&fr_id=1796

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